Great Savings Rates for Investors
Wasatch Credit Association provides great savings rates through our Investment Certificates, allowing our investors to earn a stable income.

Investment Certificates

Our Investment Certificates allow you to pick your term at a great savings rate. We have several options for your Investment Certificates whether you are looking to increase your retirement savings or moving money from another investment.


Savings Rate Options:

1 yr.
3 yr.
5 yr.



All of our investment certificates are:

Fixed Rate

Fixed Term

Have No Fees


Interest is paid out quarterly (Quarters: end of March, June, September and December).

$10,000 minimum $800,000 maximum per certificate.

Only available to Utah residents.


Contact Ashley at (801) 566-5559 for more information 

Understanding Investment Certificates

An investment certificate is a type of investment that offers a competitive yield to investors who want a fixed savings rate, for a fixed time period. Certificates allow you to make an investment with a interest savings rate for a specific period of time.

The certificates are securities offered by Wasatch Credit Association. They are not insured by the FDIC or any federal or state governmental agency, are not secured by any assets of Wasatch Credit Association, its shareholders, or affiliates, and may be subject to investment risks, including the possible loss of principal value or amount invested.